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WORKING CCTV in Melon Sandbox Playground 18.0 - concept

date date Tue Aug 08 10:10:53 CST 2023
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Do you remember the surveillance cameras that used to appear in the scene, but then mysteriously disappeared? Now it's back in concept form, with brand new features!

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In the old Melon Sandbox Playground, there is a mysterious surveillance in the top right corner of the map, and no one knows where it came from, or exactly why it was there. Even weirder, the camera mysteriously disappeared in a later version.

mysteriously disappeared in a later version. In the video, we can see that the concept of CCTV can freely adjust the Angle, and the player can see the picture about where camera can cover, which is actually very useful. Sometimes if we want to do something that requires a long distance, we have to narrow down the picture to expand the scope of viewing. With CCTV, we can focus on the place we want to see.

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