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Update again?! 18.0.7 Update for Melon Sandbox Playground

date date Wed Sep 13 10:28:01 CST 2023
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Well, my friends. I have to give credit to the Melon Sandbox Playground team. Shortly after the 18.0.6 update, a new 18.0.7 update was released, and this update fully fixes the issues we mentioned.

New 18.0.7 update has several bugs'fix, here is the detail:


- New feature: Workshop! Download content right from the game!

- First Mods and Saves pack available in Workshop!

- Holiday items!

- New Mod editor functions: You can upload whole mod texture at once!


- Game UI Scaling fix

- Minor light improvements and fixed

- Stability and Performance improvements

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This is really great, the Bugs in 18.0 version we just mentioned in the last article, in this 18.0.7 update will be fixed! Including the infamous UI scale Bug. In 18.0 the UI scale setting is useless, you can’t make UI smaller.

The current version of the game on the Google Store has just been updated to 18.0.6, but we believe that 18.0.7 will also be available soon, and those annoying bugs will soon be saying goodbye to us!

The main highlight of Melon Sandbox Playground18.0 is the new Workshop feature, where players can download mods. However, the number of mods the workshop can provide is very limited. You can also download more interesting mods over at our modsgamer!

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