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Minecraft PE Jenny Mod and Eille Mod

date date Fri Aug 18 12:02:16 CST 2023
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You know, everyone gets lonely, especially in Minecraft. The only people who can talk to you are the villagers, and they just huh. But you now have a chance to have a girlfriend, in Minecraft!

What is Jenny Mod

Jenny Mod has added a brand new NPC to Minecraft, and it's a pretty hot one! Her name is Jenny, just like the Mod name, but of course you can change her name to anything you want!

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Where to find Jenny

After loading the mod, you can find Jenny's egg in the inventory. You can spawn Jenny like any other creature! In addition to Jenny's eggs, there is also Jenny's bed, which you can hold to interact with your bed so that you can use this bed for activities.

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How to use Jenny Mod

After you get close to Jenny, you can have a conversation with her. Tapping edit dialogue to talk with her, or select her appearance in Appearance. You can download other Jenny-related mods to change different appearance, such as Ellie mod. In the Advanced Settings at the bottom, you can modify her conversations.

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Eille Mod

Eille Mod makes Jeeny even hotter, do you like bad girls? Try Eille Mod!

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Talk with Jenny

Tapping edit dialogue to talk with her, and you can choose to do different activities with her.

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After you choose, Jenny will start the corresponding activities and dialogue, sometimes you may need to wait for a while, after all, Jenny is a shy girl.

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If you want Jenny to speak different lines as she goes through the activity, you can select Advanced Settings in the dialogue to edit her dialogue in different situations.

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Minecraft Jenny Mod Download

To change Jenny's appearance, you can use:

Minecraft Ellie Mod Download

You should also give Jenny a sweet home! Try build one with nice furniture:

Minecraft BONY162 Furniture Mod

Protect her with firearms:

3D Modern Gun Mod

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