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Minecraft PE The Backrooms Survival Mod

date date Fri Jul 21 11:35:10 CST 2023
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Now, it's time to explore the backroom, and in fact there are ways to enter the backroom in Minecraft. First, you need to get to The End and get the Endstone, they are valuable research material. Smelt them and you will have Unidentifiable Residue.

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Once you have enough Unidentifiable Residue, take them to the Crafting Table and use them to make Anomalous constructers.

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Using the Anomalous Constructor we can craft the Backrooms decoration blocks and the Inter Dimensional Breacher Device, which will hlep us enter thebackroom.

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Interact with The Inter Dimensional Breacher Device to enter the Backrooms

Remember, you're in the back room of your own free will, so you have plenty of time to prepare and bring everything you need, because you may never come back...

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We did it! We made it into the Backroom! But remember, this is only the easiest step. Next, we must find a way to survive here and find your way out. . .

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Look around the spot where we entered the backroom and you will find the exit, but we will need to find 3 keys to unlock it. The location of the key? that's up to us to find out . . .

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Once the key is found, it interacts with the keyhole, and when all three keys are found, the gate will be opened and we will be free again.

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There are a lot of levels in The Backroom, where we're at level 0, where you might encounter the notorious twisted redrooms. In addition, at level 0 we can find the door to level 1, and at level 1 we can find the way to Level Fun, but remember, all of these places are very dangerous, be prepared!

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In the back room, we may encounter the mysterious Backrooms Computer, which we can use to purchase various materials and items. You can also use them to bring back lost players.

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