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Minecraft PE Bzf Furniture Mod

date date Fri Jul 21 09:57:43 CST 2023
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Are you tired of the boring decor of your home in Minecraft? Do you want your home to be filled with stylish furniture? Then try the Bzf Furniture Mod!Bzf Furniture Mod has added over 100 stylish pieces of furniture to Minecraft that will give your home a new look!

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The Mod includes furniture needed for a variety of scenes, which you can use to decorate a home with full functionality and various rooms, or a huge office, or a Japanese-style school! Best of all, a lot of the furniture is interactive and you can use it like real furniture.

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A very distinctive piece of Furniture in the Bzf Furniture Mod is the BedCover component. You can put BedCover on the beds in the game to turn your beds into a comfortable beds with various styles!

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First place your preferred BedCover where you want to place your bed, then place your bed inside the BedCover. Supports all color beds in the game. In addition, you can place two BedCovers together like a chest to make a double bed!

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All the Furniture in the Mod are available in Survival, you first need to make a Furniture Box, then you can get all the furniture from the Furniture Box.

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You need to use Furniture Box to StoneCutter to get a furniture.

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