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Minecraft PE Strat's Food Expansion Mod

date date Tue Aug 08 11:15:37 CST 2023
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In Strat's Food Expansion mod, you will discover and create new foods, which will give you the meals that your stomach deserves! This mod is created to give you a challenge and make you eat more than just beef!

Cook Book

Worried about mod has too much content, can't remember the recipe? Don't worry! The mod provided a cook book about the most of information on all equipment and summarized what to expect, as well as an intro so you don't have to read too much of this page.

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Duration Change

A big change to food is that it now has varied duration levels, depending on how many hunger points the food gives. Mod nerfs all existing vanilla foods and requires more progression for you to obtain a fulfilling meal! And some crafts of the vanilla foods has been changed to more difficult and realistic.

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Crop Bush

When breaking these, you will have a chance of obtaining most of the new crops: tomato, lettuce, tea leaves and coffee beans, along with other vanilla crops, like potatoes, melon seeds. You can also collect them by using shears! Each crop bush type has their own unique drops.

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Strato' Soil + Copper Crop Pot

Due to the unfixed Minecraft bug that causes crops to pop off farmland, these two blocks are an alternative to farmland, allowing you to farm in style!

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New Trees

Occasionally, you will also come across different types of crops on trees, which cannot be found as commonly in the crop bushes, e.g. oranges and coconuts. The mod also add Maple Trees. Maple syrup can be gathered from this tree, by using a glass jar when the syrup on the logs has matured. A whole wood set is also introduced by this tree

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Salt Ore

Salt Ore is a white ore, found in caves and mountains. When mining this, you can get from 1-3 pieces of salt, which is a key ingredient for making a lot of foods.

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This is used to toast bread, obviously. Just slot some bread slices in the toaster and it will become toast. Toast can be buttered and even jam or marmalade can be added to it!

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Kitchen Knife

This is needed to cut food on the Chopping Board. Netherite Kitchen Knives are now also available, if you are committed enough for one.

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An integral part of your kitchen. Used for baking cakes, pies and for general cooking. Once powered with typical furnace fuel, the door can be opened to begin baking. Pot and Frying Pan only be placed on furnaces or stoves.

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