HOW TO GET ALL THE ACHIEVEMENTS in Melon Sandbox Playground 17.0?
Melon Sandbox Playground17.0 has a new achievement system and interesting achievements. So how do we get all achievements? Take a look!
Achievement Explorer
Open the achievement and you will get it
Parent Mode
Go to settings and disable Vignette, Bloom, Gore, Drop On Death and Decals
What a Mess
Go to the File Manager and quickly scroll up and down
It’s Popcorn time!
Set a fire to a Corn(Both “Corn” are able to get this achievement)
Tea Party!
Choose a map with water in it and put the tea box in it. Hit the tea box with a heavy object until it breaks and stains the water.
Light the Melon and freeze it
Connection Problem Auto-Disconnect
Turn off the Internet when you in the game
Anti Damage = Heal
Go to the Editor Mod, select a weapon and set its damage to negative
Bad Modder
Move any file to the Mods Folder and change its format to melmod, than open the game you will get the achievement.
It’s Definitely clean now
Press the clear everything button repeatedly until you get the achievement.
Content Creator
Go to the Mod Editor and create and save a empty Mod without changing anything
Take a box and set it Unbreakable and shoot it for about a minute