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Minecraft PE More Food Mod

date date Wed Sep 20 10:07:32 CST 2023
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Do you have ton of chicken eggs and don't know what to do with them? With this mod you can finally get Fried Eggs among many other food like Ice Cream, Slime Soup, Burger and much more!!

More Food incorporates more food items and recipes to your world. This is mostly created to add fun to your Survival and enjoy playing with friends!

Food Recipes in more food V1

You can further process meat, turning pork into bacon and beef into patties. Meat lovers will be pleased!

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You can make ice cones, ice from snow and sugar, and cone from wheat. You can even make cones with berries!

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The Mod changes the pumpkin recipe so that you need to cut the pumpkin into pieces to get the seeds. You can also combine pumpkin cubes with other ingredients to make a salad.

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Would you like something to drink?

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Finally, the eggs are ready to eat! You can make fried eggs and combine them with bread to make fried egg toast! Have some breakfast?

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Mod has also added a brand new apple recipe, only one of which is shown here, try out what other combinations are available!

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Food Recipes in more food V2

Added more chicken related recipes, chicken soup, drumsticks, burgers!

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Food Recipes in more food V3

Get ready to taste some mushrooms! Added more new fungus recipes. Meanwhile, Striders and Hoglins now drops their own meat food for you to prepare new recipes!

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Minecraft PE More Food Mod Download

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