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Minecraft PE Fiery's Expansion Mod

date date Thu Sep 14 10:13:01 CST 2023
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Have you ever thinking that the nether update wasn't enough because of the contents it had? Well this addon might be for you! Because this addon adds more contents to the nether dimension.


Nether urchin

These fellow urchins may seems small and a bit cute, but don't let its size fools you because it can deal heavy damages to you , especially when your newer to the nether. usually they like to leaping at its target , It is really an angry spiky balls!

Health : 30

[ Hostile ] Damage : 8

Loots : nether spine, nether test.

Spawns in biome : nether waste

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Lost ghast

These lost creatures are neutral floating creatures that likes to observe players and undeads by its curiosity. Unlike its brethren ghast who is a deadly creatures , these just floating around the nether aimlessly.

Health : 11

[ Passive ]

Loots : soul orb

Spawns in biome : soulsand valley

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Soul centipede

These centipedes is not something you would want to mess around, especially how fast these things. These creatures likes to hid under the soulsands , making it hard for the players to see although you can still hit them under the soulsands. packs of them may be a deadly foes.

Health : 14

[ Hostile ] Damage : 4

Loots : soul orb

Spawns in biome : soulsand valley

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Warped ghast

These creatures is similar to lost ghast except that its more weaker. They usually destroys nether plants/fungus, don't worry, that is all the things they can do.

Health : 4

[ Passive ]

Loots : twisted gel

Spawns in the biome : warped forest

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Baby blaze

These babies is a newborns of the blazes. They like to wander around the nether waste so its no surprising you'll seeing them in the nether waste. they are hostile so they'll attack players. I just want to know why it only has a head without body

Health : 10

[ Hostile ] damage : similar to blazes

Loots : small blaze rod

Spawns in biome : nether waste

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Magma blaze

These are the sniper of the nether. why? because they can detect you from far away , it does shoots large fireball three times which is dangerous. You can still knock the fireball away from you. They only spawns in basalt deltas, combine the terrain, making basalt deltas another annoying biome.

Health : 55

[ Hostile ] damage : similar to ghast

Loots : magmexo

Spawns in biome : basalt deltas

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True blaze

These enormous blaze were more deadly than regular blazes. why? the legend says that these blazes consumes a essence of the soul creatures , although they are not soul typed blaze. these blazes shoots rapidly than regular blazes , so make sure to bring your shield!

Health : 60

[ Hostile ] Damage : basically blaze attacks but more small fireballs being shoot

Loots : nether essence

Spawns in biome : all nether biome but rare to be found

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Unfortunately, most of the loots currently have no practical use, except for magmaexo and Small blaze rod, which can be used to make Molten dagger, a small weapon being crafted using magmaexo , stick , molten powder. when holding it you will gain tiny speed , its damages were 5, so not that much useful.(So that means still useless?XD)

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