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Minecraft PE Captain America's Shield Mod

date date Thu Jul 27 12:17:01 CST 2023
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The Captain America's Shield Mod replaces the Trident with Captain America's shield. The shield is Captain America's signature weapon, and he carries it almost everywhere. Captain America's shield is more than just a form of protection, he can attack and even throw with it. As long as you hold this item in Minecraft, you will basically become Captain America, as you will become more agile and stronger.

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Trade with Myron McLean (blacksmith) to get the shield (or get it via Creative Inventory). You can also get it by killing drowning zombies. By holding this item, you will automatically get some different status effects: speed, jump and resistance. It is recommended to attach loyalty to it and let it come back to you after it is thrown out.

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You can attack with the shield as a normal weapon, or throw it, like Captain America does, which deals a lot of damage.

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