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Concept is NOT FAKE! What is concept really mean for Melon Sandbox Playground

date date Thu Aug 03 11:10:26 CST 2023
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We made a lot of presentations about the concept, though a lot of them never be real. But that doesn't mean they're meaningless, there's actually a lot of information behind them.

The recent Melon Sandbox Playground 17.0 update has brought us a lot of new content that we haven't seen before, or have we?

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The most noticeable part of this update is the new lighting system, which adds a new variety of lights and light color adjustment functions. But what's interesting is that we actually all see them in the concept!

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In WORKING FLASHLIGHT CONCEPT, we saw maybe is the old version of light system. And in REPAINT CONCEPT, that is actually the menu of light color adjustment functions!

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Just like Corn said :”I can’t say if this will be in the next update or not, that’s why O’m making concepts.” Concept is NOT FAKE! The Concept we see now is the idea for the game, it may be proved to be feasible, or was abandoned during production.

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