Three of the Best Concepts in Melon Sandbox Playground 17.0
1. Acid Gun
As the name tells, this gun can fire acid bullet, one who gets hit by it will be melted and left skeleton remain. This is one of the most badass weapon we had ever seen, because it balanced both damage and entertaining. All you need is one shot, and watch how your target turn into skeleton.
2. Multiplayer
Do we really need a reason? I mean it is MULTIPLAYER! What can make a player happier than play with his friend? In the concept, it is as simple as opening a single player game, all you need is setting the room’s name and password and you can enjoy with your friend.
3. Pit bike
I have to admit, the third one is a little more personal, because everyone has different vehicle preferences. But from the level of fineness, pit bike is so detailed that can be almost directly put into the game. Both the suspension and the components are very good.