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HOW to GET a SECRET PURPLE CHARACTER in Melon Sandbox Playground!

date date Sat Oct 07 10:55:59 CST 2023
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Yes, folks, a brand new secret character! Without any mod, you can get a secret purple character!

First, you need a map with a pool, put an Apple character in the map. Use a virus syringe on him.

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After the effect of the syringe has fully penetrated the apple. Place the apple in the water and shake it, shake it off

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When you take the apple (or its carcass) out of the water again, you find, wow, the purple character!

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All we have now, however, is a purple corpse. We need to bring him back to life with a healing syringe.

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When all the steps are complete, we have a secret purple character! Is this a grapes? Or eggplant? Or mangosteen?

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