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MILITARY JEEP in Melon Sandbox Playground 17.0 - CONCEPT

date date Fri Jul 07 10:17:44 CST 2023
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In Melon Sandbox Playground, Jeep is a very iconic vehicle. I'm sure every player will drive, crash, or blow up at least one Jeep in the game. In reality, the Jeep is also a very common vehicle, which was first put into use by the US Army in World War II, and entered the civilian sector after the war. The Jeep in the game is presumed to be the Jeep Wrangler YJ. It's a classic Jeep. The new concept will feature Jeep's successor in the army: the Humvee.

Yes, in the video, the makers calls it as a "military jeep," but it's easy to tell from the appearance that it's actually a Humvee, and from what I can tell, it could be an M1045. If this concept officially enters the game, we can speculate that it will have stronger bulletproof and explosion-proof properties. Personally, I would prefer the Humvee to have a turret with a 50. so we can recreate Black Hawk Down in the game!

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