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How to Make A DIY Boat In Melon Sandbox Playground 16.0

date date Tue Jul 04 17:20:54 CST 2023
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In Melon Sandbox Playground version 16.0, three new vehicles have been added, but unfortunately they don't include ships, which disappoint many players who were hoping for adding boat. But that's okay. We can DIY a boat!

In version 16.0, a special vehicle called APC has been added. The APC is an amphibious vehicle, which means it can not only drive on land, it can also float on water! It's the perfect material for our boats!

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First, we need to place an APC and then destroy it as much as possible, removing its wheels and turret.

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Next, we put the remains of the APC on the water, and surprise, surprise, it still floats! This is our DIY boat, and you can still even put Living on the car, I mean the boat. Or you can keep the turret of the APC and turn your small boat into a gunship.

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