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Minecraft PE World Wild Animals Mod

date date Fri Aug 04 09:57:53 CST 2023
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World Wild Animals Mod adds animals from all over the world. Each individual animal function differently and has its own uniqueness from big elephants to the cute penguins. The animals added by the Mod have predatory relationships, all animals have different strategies, and each of them are finely modeled.

Here are some of the animals this mod added


Crocodiles live in swamp and mangrove biomes. during the day, you can often seeing them resting near the water.

At night they are on the lookout for prey. when they have prey within range they launch themselves out of the water with incredible speed and grab their prey.

You can feed them with beef. and when a baby crocodile grows into an adult you can collect crocodile scute and use them to craft new armor.

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Alligator snapping turtle

These freshwater turtles live in swamp and mangrove biomes.

They may look harmless but will defend themselves against their attackers.

Sometimes seagrass will grow on their shells, you can shear and collect them.

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Brown bear

Brown bear spawns in taiga biomes.

It will attack you when you are too close.

You can make them trust you by giving them honeycomb. when they are peaceful, you can feed them with salmon.

It will attack monster near it.

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They spawns in animal biomes like plains or birch.

They will fly around in 5 different colors, red blue green pink and brown.

They can be tempt with wheat seeds.

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It can be bred by feed fish and tamable with bread.

It will follow you when tamed.

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