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Minecraft PE Umäk : Retro Furniture Mod

date date Mon Jul 31 10:54:16 CST 2023
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Umak: Retro Furniture is a furniture module with exquisite models and textures. The main features of Umak: Retro furniture is the easy access of the furniture and the nice models made by 3D software Blender.

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Mod has two versions of Entity Edition and Block Edition, here we mainly introduce Entity Edition.

The Mod includes 29 pieces of furniture, such as Cabinet, Chair, Coffeetable, Couch, Cubeshelf, etc., and 15 accessories (accessories are objects that can be placed on furniture for decoration), such as the SEGA Genesis Console, TV, VHS Player, Cup, IBM 5150 PC, etc.

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How to place accessories on furniture

Step 1: Placing the furniture that you want to put an accessory on. (Note that only some furniture can hold accessories and accessories can’t be placed on a certain piece of furniture - you can't put a TV on a coffeetable; you can't put a PC on a chair)

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Step 2: Place the accessory on the ground, ideally infront of the furniture.

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Step 3: Push the accessory towards the furniture piece and it should go on top of the furniture piece.

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How to paint chairs

So far, there are 2 chairs and 1 couch that can be coloured into all 16 Minecraft colours. To colour them, hold the Minecraft dye you want it to be coloured and right click/hold it. It's basically like dyeing a sheep!

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How to get them in Survival and Creative

Get their spawn eggs from the Creative Inventory. They are classified as spawn/mob eggs.

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You can also get the furniture in survival. In order to do so, you need to craft a UmäkMart

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Once, you've crafted it, right click/hold the keyboard to check out the catalog of furniture and accessories that you can buy.

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