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Minecraft PE Pig Race Map

date date Tue Sep 26 10:16:16 CST 2023
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Minecraft PE Pig Race Map is a very interesting racing mini game map Includes models, sounds and animations for a better experience. Each player will ride a pig and use a carrot on a stick to guide it forward on the track. The player must pass all the obstacles on the track to be the first to reach the finish line and win the race.

The map support English and Spanish language, you can change by interact with them

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One you choose to start the game, you will have 20s to pick a pig you like.

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Next, you'll be transported to the starting line, and don't forget to equip your carrot!

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Once the game is start, you will need to use your carrot to guide the pig you ride to though obstacles on the track.

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There are some floating cube on the track, run into them to get a random buff. Your Pig may get a boost of sepeed or fall into sleep!

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When you fall from the track, you wouldn’t out of the game, don’t worry! You will be transported to the safety and you need to try again with the obstacle made you fall.( PS: you can switch from carrot to empty hand to stop your pig, you will need this trick!)

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Self-repairing map

Includes models, sounds and animations for a better experience.

For more difficulty, activate or deactivate the piggy hits.

Play with up to 8 players

Map bugs? run this command: /function reset

The game can be started with only one player to test the map(also very fun for single player!)

Minecraft PE Pig Race Map Download

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