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Minecraft PE Ore Geodes Mod

date date Fri Aug 11 10:21:23 CST 2023
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Geodes are underground caverns that are rich in various ores. Have you ever thought about having a Mod with different geodes to Minecraft? Imagine that you are digging underground and suddenly coming across a shining geode filled with diamonds. How happy you will feel!

The Mod will add more than 15 different geodes to your world. They appear at different layers of the game, each with their own expertise, and you can find them everywhere, with their own difficulty.

Here are some of the common geodes you will find.

Coal Geode will appear at layer 64, which will contain various amounts of Coal block, Stone, Coal Ore, Polished Blackstone.

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Diamond Geode will appear at layer 20, which will contain different amounts of Deepslate Diamond, Calcite, and Concrete Powder.

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Emerald Geode will appear at layer 20, which will contain varying amounts of Emerald Ore, Stone, Warped Hyphae, and Warped Wart.

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Iron Geode will appear at layer 50, which will contain Iron Ore, Deepslate Iron Ore, Calcite, and Stonebrick.

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Redstone Geode will appear at layer 35, which will contain a variety of Redstone Ore, Deepslate Redstone Ore, Quartz Block, Netherrack

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golden geode will appear at layer 30, which will contain various amounts of Gold Ore, Deepslate Gold Ore, Red Mushroom Block, and Nether Gold Ore.

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