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Minecraft PE Nico's Mobs Mod

date date Tue Jul 25 11:53:01 CST 2023
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Nico's Mobs Mod is a expansion mod that retains the original Minecraft style and add naturally generated creatures, each with different abilities and unique loot. Some creatures can be tamed, others are dangerous.

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Mammals: Three mammals have been added to the module, cave wolves, squirrels, and warthog, all of which are neutral creatures and can be tamed. Cave wolves can fight and ride when tamed.

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Arthropods: Two arthropods have been added to the Mod, fireflies and scorpions. Fireflies are only found in various forests. Scorpions have many variations and can be found in all kinds of terrain, including caves.

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Birds: Two new birds have been added to the Mod, the Sparrow and the Giant Moa. Both kinds of birds can be tamed. The Giant Moa can be ridden after being tamed and fitted with a chest.

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Aquatic creatures: Two aquatic creatures, Prismarine Clam and Jellyfish, have been added to the Mod. Prismarine can be found on the ocean floor and will drop Prismarine Crystal. Jellyfish are neutral creatures, but if you attack it, it will fight back.

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Wandering Collector: A kind of villager that forms on and below the surface of all biomes, Had 6 variation, each had a different trading table where you trade some of your collected item and block.

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Illagers: The Mod introduces two new types of Illagers, Cave Dweller and Enchanter Apprentice, both of which are hostile to the player.

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Skeletons: The Mod adds four more powerful melee variants to the Skeletons 。From weak to strong, they are: Skeleton Footman, Skeleton Guard, Skeleton Swordman, Skeleton Golden Swordman.

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The Mod also adds a lot of unique creatures to wait for you to discover, all of which have unique biomes and drops.

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In addition to the new creatures, the mod also adds a brand new block: Mud Soil and the related recipe Mud Soil Brick series.

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