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Minecraft PE Mythical Break Mod

date date Mon Aug 07 10:12:03 CST 2023
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Mythbreak Mod is about fantasy world where many Fantasy mythical creatures live. In this Mod you can find Dragons, Scraptor, Arachine and other fantasy creatures as well as related drops and equipment.

Lunarian Dragon

Lunarian dragon will only spawn in plains where there are many flower. To tame Lunarian dragon, first you must fight with it until it fall to the ground. When it already fell down ride it until you gain it trust.

Hearts will appears when Lunarian trust to you. And interact it with flower and you will get nectar essense.

It drop feather and dragonblood, if you kill it.

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Drought Wyvern

Drought Wyvern only spawn in dessert, it is a strong and tricky beast. It can dig and hide underground and attack you from underground.

It will drop driught bone, claw and skull if you kill it, and you can make Drought Armor with its bone and claw.

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Ravegon will spawn in Mountain / Hill / High Place. You will only encounter "Fire Ravegon" In the wild, hatch its egg to get the other variant.

You can use Salmon to Tame and Breed Ravegon, use saddle to control it after tamed

. After you give 2 Ravegon salmon, they will lay an egg, splash the egg with Splash Potion to Hatch, different Potion will make different variant.

When you kill the Dragon, you will get blood and dragonbone. Using Sheer to Get Ravegon Scale after you tamed it and interact with Empty bottle to get Ravegon Breath. [Use Dispenser to Shoot the Breath]

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Agalychnis spawn in Forest and Swamp. Have 2 variant depend on where biome it spawn. In rainy days they will croaking like a frog.

You must fight and defeat Aga to get Aga Egg, place the Egg in water and wait for a moment. Then tame it by using Tropical Fish

When you tame it, it can take you fly and swim.

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Salazard Dragon

Salazard have 2 variants, Flame and Soul. One spawn in deep overworld and one in netherworld.

You can tame salazard using Magma Cream. It will protect you.

When Salazard tamed, you can cook raw meat by interact with Salazard. In a second the Raw will be Cooked.

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You can make dragonbone tools, get dragonbone by killing Dragons.

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A hostile mob that spawn in Savanna, scraptor usually spawn in a group, and there are one King in every group. Their attack have poison effect.

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Arachne spawns mostly in Taiga but sometimes in other biomes too. She like sleep and if you disturb her. She will attack you. Be careful, she is stronger than you think!

She can summon spidermite (apart from being summoned by arachne, spidermites can also spawn in caves and always spawn in a group)

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