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Minecraft PE Modern Furniture Mod

date date Wed Jul 26 11:03:38 CST 2023
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Modern Furniture Mod is a minecraft furniture mod about a collection of modern furniture, which is suit to decorate your home or other modern style room. The Mod has the purpose of not make the house too complex (not going beyond the parameters such as complex electronic devices or mechanics that may break the game) or wanting to saturate your house with polygons, which be at the end of everything simple and beautiful.

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You need to activate these options in your world to make sure the Mod works!

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In Survival you can acquire it by putting a ball of clay in a stone cutter.Then create a box of the theme you want from the furniture and put it back in the stonecutter. To be able to acquire it in creative it can be acquired as in survival but even so if you write in the chat / give @p f: (a list of the furniture will appear in the chat, choose the one you want)

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Some of the latest updates include new bookshelves, mosaics, lamps, hanging pictures, and most important - Gigachad!

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