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Ores Plus Mod[8 Armors,12 New Minerals,10 new armors and new tools]

date date Mon Nov 13 17:00:08 CST 2023"
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Ores Plus Mod[8 Armors,12 New Minerals,10 new armors and new tools]
modsgamer Minecraft mods
Mon Nov 13 18:08:09 CST 2023
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Addon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com

Upgrade Your Minecraft Experience with the New Ores Plus Add-on

The Ores Plus Add-on for Minecraft adds a variety of new armors, minerals, tools, and decorative blocks to the game. With this add-on, you can customize your character's appearance and abilities, and explore the world in new ways.

Here are some of the features of the Armor Add-on:

  • 8 new armor sets: Each armor set provides unique powers and abilities. 

  • 12 new minerals: These minerals can be used to craft the new armor sets and tools.

  • 10 new armors and tools: These armors and tools are made from the new minerals.

  • Decorative blocks: These blocks can be used to add style and flair to your builds.

If you're looking for a way to add a new dimension to your Minecraft adventures, the Armor Add-on is a must-have. Download it today and start exploring the world in a whole new way!

Mod detailsa

Ores CategoryAddon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com

Amber Ore (Rare):

  • Spawning: 48 to 16

  • Deepslate Version Spawning: 12 to -16

Cobalt Ore (Common):

  • Spawning: 126 to 36

  • Deepslate Version Spawning: 16 to -24

Jade Ore (Rare):

  • Spawning: 48 to 16

  • Deepslate Version Spawning: 16 to -12

Moonstone Ore (Rare):

  • Spawning: 56 to 32

  • Deepslate Version Spawning: -38 to - 64

Mythril Ore (Rare):

  • Spawning: 46 to 12 (only in ice biomes)

  • Deepslate Version Spawning: 16 to -12

Platinum Ore (Regular):

  • Spawning: 16 to 1

  • Deepslate Version Spawning: 0 to - 52

Rose Quartz Ore (Common):

  • Spawning: 156 to 16

  • Deepslate Version Spawning: 16 to -32

Ruby Ore (Rare):

  • Spawning: 156 to 1

  • Deepslate Version Spawning: 16 to -64

Sapphire Ore (Rare):

  • Spawning: 156 to 1

  • Deepslate Version Spawning: 16 to -64

Silver Ore (Regular):

  • Spawning: 128 to 16

  • Deepslate Version Spawning: 16 to 0

Tungsten Ore (Rare):

  • Spawning: 16 to 1

  • Deepslate Version Spawning: -16 to -32

White Diamond Ore (Harder):

  • Spawning: 16 to 1

  • Deepslate Version Spawning: -1 to -26

Elemental Armor

elemental armors are armors that will give you a potion effect as long as you wear it fully

Amber Armor
Addon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com

the amber armor gives you a regeneration effect, these armor have a protection of +10 points, that is, they protect more than the netherite
craftingAddon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com 

the crafting of all elemental armors appears on the elemental table

Infernal Armor
Addon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com 

The infernal armor gives you a fire protection effect, these armor have a protection of +10 points, that is, they protect more than the netherite.

the crafting of all elemental armors appears on the elemental table

Jade Armor
Addon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com 

The jade armor gives you a jump effect, these armor have a protection of +10 points, that is, they protect more than the netherite.


the crafting of all elemental armors appears on the elemental table

Cryo Armor
Addon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com 

Cryo's armor gives you a special ability to create ice, these armor have a protection of +10 points, that is, they protect more than the netherite.


the crafting of all elemental armors appears on the elemental table

End Armor
Addon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com 

The End Armor gives you a slow falling effect, these armors have a protection of +10 points, that is, they protect more than the netherite.


the crafting of all elemental armors appears on the elemental table

Desert Armor
Addon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com 

The Desert Armor gives you a speed effect, these armors have a protection of +10 points, that is, they protect more than the netherite.


the crafting of all elemental armors appears on the elemental table

Ocean Armor
Addon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com Ocean armor gives you a conduit effect, these armors have a protection of +10 points, that is, they protect more than the netherite.


the crafting of all elemental armors appears on the elemental table

Spinel Armor
Addon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com

The spinel armor adds an extra heart bar, these armors have a protection of +10 points, that is, they protect more than the netherite.


the crafting of all elemental armors appears on the elemental table

Elemental Totems

Cryo Totem
Addon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com This totem when reviving you adds an ice protection


the crafting of all elemental totems appears on the elemental table

Infernal Totem
Addon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com 

This totem when reviving you will give you protection to the fire much longer


the crafting of all elemental totems appears on the elemental table

Jade Totem
Addon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com

this totem when you revive will give you jump boost


the crafting of all elemental totems appears on the elemental table

Spinel Totem
Addon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com 

this totem when reviving you will give you a heart bar for a limited time


the crafting of all elemental totems appears on the elemental table

Desert Totem
Addon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com

This totem when reviving you will give you speed


the crafting of all elemental totems appears on the elemental table

Wither Totem
Addon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com 

This totem when you revive will give a wither effect to any entity that surrounds the player


the crafting of all elemental totems appears on the elemental table

Ores Category

Amber OreAddon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com 

This mineral is obtained between layers 1 to 64 it is quite difficult to find


It is used to create amber gem essence

Cobalt Ore
Addon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com 

This Mineral is obtained between layers 1 to 64 and its variant in deepslate between -58 to 16

the mineral drops between 1 to 4 cobalt

Jade OreAddon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com 

This mineral is obtained between layers 1 to 64 it is quite difficult to find


It is used to create jade gem essence

Moonstone Ore
Addon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com 

This mineral is obtained between layers 1 to 21 and its variant in deepslate between -58 to 16


Used to create moonstone armor and the mauve armor

Mythril Ore
Addon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com This Mineral is obtained between layers 1 to 64 it is quite difficult to find


Is used to create the essence cryo gem

Platinum Ore
Addon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com 

This mineral is obtained between layers 1 to 16 and its varian in deepslate between -52 to 16


Serves to create the elemental table, advanced smithy table and mauve armor

Rose Quartz Ore
Addon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com 

This mineral is obtained between layers 1 to 54 and its variant in deepslate between -32 to 16

the mineral drops between 1 to 4 rose quartz


Used to create decorative blocks

Ruby Ore
Addon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com 

This mineral is obtained between layers 1 to 64 it is quite difficult to find


Used to create ruby armor and tools

Sapphire Ore
Addon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com 

This mineral is obtained between layers 1 to 64 it is quite difficult to find


Used to create sapphire armor and tools

Silver Ore
Addon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com 

This mineral is obtained between layers 1 to 64 and its variant in deepslate between -52 to 16


Used to create the rose gold and the silver weapons

Tungsten OreAddon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com 

This mineral is obtained between layers 1 to 16 and its variant in deepslate between -52 to 16


Used to create the pyrite ingot, reinforced ruby armor, elemental table and tungsten armor

White Diamond Ore
Addon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com 

This mineral is obtained between layers 1 to 16 and its variant in deepslate between -52 to 16


Is used to create the white diamond armor and sword

Armor Category

Addon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com 

Protection: +21

Durability: very high

Knockback Resistance: +0.8

Crafting ExampleAddon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com 

EmeraldAddon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com 

Protection: +10

Durability: normal

Crafting ExampleAddon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com 

MauveAddon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com 

Protection: +18

Durability: very high

Crafting Example
 Addon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com 

MoonstoneAddon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com 

Protection: +15

Durability: high

Crafting Example
 Addon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com 

PyriteAddon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com 

Protection: +20

Durability: very high

Knockback Resistance: +0.8

Crafting ExampleAddon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com  

Reinforced RubyAddon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com 

Protection: +15

Durability: high

Crafting ExampleAddon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com 

Rose GoldAddon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com 

Protection: +14

Durability: high

Crafting ExampleAddon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com 

RubyAddon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com 

Protection: +10

Durability: normal

Crafting ExampleAddon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com 

SapphireAddon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com 

Protection: +10

Durability: normal

Crafting ExampleAddon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com 

SteelAddon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com 

Protection: +10

Durability: very high

Knockback Resistance: +0.5

Crafting ExampleAddon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com 

TungstenAddon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com 

Protection: +15

Durability: high

Crafting ExampleAddon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com 

custom pickaxesAddon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com 

These custom pickaxes are necessary when mining the addon minerals

Crafting exampleAddon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com 


  • white diamond fixed

  • items name fixed

  • totems fixed

  • several bugs fixed

Activate the experimental boxes and import the addonAddon: Ores Plus - modsgamer.com


All mods on modsgamer.com comes from user contributions and Internet, if you think there is any infringement, please let us know at [email protected], thank you!

Download 819472

How to Use

1. Open modsgamer.com 

2. Select the mod you want and download 

3. After download finished, you will get mod file want

4. After extracting the mod file, please place the corresponding file in the following folder

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