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Zombie Hordes and Drowneds Mod[New animation, new IA, new variants]

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Zombie Hordes and Drowneds Mod[New animation, new IA, new variants]
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Mon Oct 30 17:58:03 CST 2023
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Addon: Zombie Hordes and Drowneds - modsgamer.com

Minecraft Zombie Hordes and Drowneds Mod: Make zombies more realistic and challenging

This Minecraft mod improves zombie animations, IA changes, and also adds new variants to make zombies more realistic and challenging.

Improved animations

Zombie animations have been overhauled to make them more fluid and natural. This includes animations for basic actions such as walking, running, and hitting.

Changes to IA

Zombies' IA has also been improved, making them smarter and more challenging. For example, zombies will now avoid player attacks and use new attacks.

new variant

The mod also adds new zombie variants, including:

Ender Pearl User Zombie

Potion User Zombie

Miner Zombie

Builder Zombie

and more

These new variants will bring new challenges and fun to your Minecraft game.

Mod details

Improved Animations

This addon modifies the models and animations of 3 basic zombies to make the zombies look more "live". This includes tweaked animations for basic actions like walking, running, and hitting, animations for special behaviors added by the plugin, and even custom spawn and death animations.

Changes to the IA.

With the exception of special variants, all zombies can now "smell" players, making them detectable even if they are hiding behind blocks. They will also attack any non-monster entities that come near, including pets and food sources. In addition, normal zombies will turn into evil zombies after being burned by sunlight for a long time, but their damage will be retained. Zombies will now also pick up armor and weapons from the ground and use them, so be careful where you die or you might have to face zombies wearing your netherite armor.

New Variants

Apart from the general changes, zombies can spawn with special abilities, these abilities are independent (almost) of the form of the zombie, basic zombies,drowned and husk can spawn with the same variations and keep their abilities when they transform

Ender Pearl User Zombie

These zombies carry ender pearls with them and throw them to reach their target if is too far away, they aren't hard to kill, especially since the ender pearl also hurts them. But if you are distracted they can take you by surprise, knock you off a cliff or something, or even with some bad luck spawn an endermite that could help them to kill you. All properties thrown by zombies can go through them so don´t try to shield you with another one to avoid the ender pearl.

Potion User Zombie

These zombies could be friends of the witches because if they don´t spam random splash potions (not yet) they actually can use potions on themselves, they can drink strength potions to deal more damage, speed ones to reach you faster or invisibility ones to make you hard to hit them, also they can protect themselves from fire with fire resistance and heal using instant damage being almost impossible to kill without at least a stone sword.

Miner Zombie

These zombies carry a random tool with them, that can use to break blocks and open a path to kill you, unlike what their name could suggest they can also break wood and dirt like blocks if they have an axe or shovel, there´s no block that the player can break and they can´t if they have the right tool, so you can´t just protect your house with a 2 block tall dirt wall, you can use obsidian since zombies with diamond pickaxe are rare, or if you dint like this variant just turn mob griefing off, it will prevent both creepers and these zombies to destroy your building if you don't like the idea.

Builder Zombie

The counterpart of the previous one, this variant is able to build bridges and stairs using dirt to reach its target, other zombies can use the paths they create too. Like the previous one you can prevent them from filling your building with dirt if mob grefing is turned off, but that´s desition of each one.

Tackler Zombie

If you are familiar with zombie apocalypse video games maybe you have found something similar to this. This kind of zombie has a simple and effective ability, they run as hell when has a target being able to reach you even sprinting and leaping at their target if is far enough, dealing damage and dragging it with them being able of taking the player down from small towers or make them fall on lava pits and hight cliffs. But if you manage to dodge its attack you can use the few seconds they need to get up to kill them. As drowned they can´t leap if they are underwater but keep their speed while swimming. 

Ranged Zombies

The last three are something special, these zombies are specialised on ranged attack, but what variant appears depends on how they spawn. If a zombie spawns on land they have a chance of spawn as archers, but if they spawn underwater the archers will be replaced for drowned with tridents, also al, three of them have a greater vision range than other variants because of the nature of their attack and can detect things covered by blocks, but all zombies do that. You can see them in more detail on this video or read their own descriptions down below

Archer Zombie

Addon: Zombie Hordes and Drowneds - modsgamer.com

Archer zombies prefer ranged combat, so when they see a target instead of running at it they start to shoot their bow, they, however, are very different from your normal skeleton, they shoot fast, from really far away, and move a bit after each shoot trying to keep distance and avoid other kinds of ranged attacks like a player that is trying to kill them with its own bow. Kill one of these can be a pin without a proper weapon or if you are just bad with the bow, but if you can avoid the arrows and reach the zombie kill it will be easy if the target is too close they just give up and start attacking melee instead of just spamming arrows to something that is 3 blocks away from them as their cousins with less meat. 

Drowned with Trident

They are basically the same ones as the vanilla drowned with tridents, same range, but have the extended vision range , can see through blocks and can attack melee if the target is close enough, and consider that tridents deal 9 damage per hit if used on melee combat plus the drowned base attack, archers are better fighting from far away, but this zombie can be considered a more balanced kind of fighter, it's kinda boring I know but they have a special subvariant.

Riptide Trident Drowned

Addon: Zombie Hordes and Drowneds - modsgamer.com

One enchantment, one enchantment, and these things go from average to absolutely OP (for a mob at least). These zombies instead of throwing tridents throw themselves using their riptide trident, being able of taking you by surprise and deal a lot of damage in the process, but the same as players to use this ability they need some form of water, even rain but they need it to do this attack. They are really OP on water or rain zooming around and killing every villager or player with no armor they can see but take them to a dry place and become nothing more but a basic zombie with a weapon that does 9 damage per hit, well that's still hard to deal with XD. The good or bad part depending on how you see it is that they constantly find nearby water to use their tridents, even if the target is nearest than the water, so if you outsmart the drowned you can either run away from it or kill it with a bow (easier said than done) and because they can drop their trident already enchanted can be a really good idea. 

Zombie Hordes

My favorite is Zombie Horde. They are easy to understand but difficult to deal with. Every hour, there is a 70% chance of a zombie horde spawning. When this happens, a group of approximately 15 zombies will spawn nearby, depending on where and when they spawn, they can be normal zombies, drowned (if they spawned in water), or ghouls (if they spawned in water) Generates in the desert or during the day).

The zombies in Zombie Horde are special, they move in swarms like predator patrols, have no target, and can detect players from 200 blocks away. Therefore, as soon as a zombie horde spawns, they will almost certainly start walking towards the nearest player. Considering they always spawn with miners and builders, it's best if you have a good defense or just run away if you can't face them. If you disable mob destruction, miners and builders can be converted into basic zombies with special names, which makes things easier. I will add weapons and traps to deal with this event in the future, but for now you have to figure out how to deal with it on your own. I've played survival mode on a server with friends using this addon and it's not difficult, just have to plan out how to build your base.

Enable all of these experiments in your world

How to use mod

 - Install Behavior and Resource Pack

 - Activate experimental game featur

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How to Use

1. Open modsgamer.com 

2. Select the mod you want and download 

3. After download finished, you will get mod file want

4. After extracting the mod file, please place the corresponding file in the following folder

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