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Transport Mod[Airship,Dirtbikes,Dirtbike,Hot Air Balloons,etc]

date date Mon Nov 27 18:19:03 CST 2023"
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Transport Mod[Airship,Dirtbikes,Dirtbike,Hot Air Balloons,etc]
modsgamer Minecraft mods
Mon Nov 27 18:19:03 CST 2023
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Addon: Transport - modsgamer.com

Embark on a journey of unparalleled mobility with MNO's groundbreaking addon, introducing a vast array of transportation options to transform your Minecraft world into a realm of seamless travel and exploration. From bulldozers and dirt bikes to hot air balloons, blimps, and even flying broomsticks, MNO's addon caters to every adventurer's needs.

Mod details


To obtain any of these things, you have to craft the right sort of package (e.g. bulldozer-in-a-box!), place it down, and then destroy it. A spawn egg will drop and the fun will commence. Most require a 'magic motor', recipe below. If you place it down (it's a light source as well) you'll need a silk-touch pick axe to pick it up.

Addon: Transport - modsgamer.com

Addon: Transport - modsgamer.com

Addon: Transport - modsgamer.com 


This handy flying transporter can transport almost anything you can imagine including bulldozers, creepers, villagers, pandas, dragons, buses, motorbikes, planes, horses, you name it! Fairly slow, but fairly handy. If it's a vanilla mob tagged as 'mob' it can be transported. So no Minecraft boats or minecarts for you. Anything else, probably. Addon: Transport - modsgamer.com 

Comes in a variety of colors. Something for everyone I'd say. Crafting recipe above. If you destroy it it won't drop its spawn egg. It has a height limit of around 100. So pay attention when flying through mountains!


Expensive, that's for sure (those grey blocks are netherite blocks, yikes). Slow (ish) and powerful, these things can bust through just about everything. Including... bedrock. Yes, not sure if this was a good idea or not, but, there it is. They come in a variety of colors and when destroyed, they do not drop a spawn egg, so you'll need to build a new one. 

Addon: Transport - modsgamer.com 


Ideal for heading out for that camping trip with your buddies. Terrorize the villagers with sounds of your 2 stroke madness. They do have a small inventory, perfect for that shulker box full of camping gear. They don't drop a spawn egg when destroyed. Not that expensive though (note the black blocks are coal blocks.)Addon: Transport - modsgamer.com 


Not as strong, but generally a bit faster and can jump a bit higher.

Addon: Transport - modsgamer.com 


 They are cheap, come in a variety of colors, and they do drop a spawn egg, so, there's that.Addon: Transport - modsgamer.com 


Horse and Cart

I don't know what the plural of these things is. Neither do you, stop pretending. They do not drop a spawn egg either. But you can ride them (and take a passenger, I believe, at least I meant to add a passenger, might be a job for version 2), and they have an inventory.Addon: Transport - modsgamer.com 


Hot Air Balloons

Peaceful, and very pretty but quite slow. Repair them with wool/string. No spawn egg from these things so be careful. Look up to fly up, look down to fly down.Addon: Transport - modsgamer.com 

Flying Broomsticks

So expensive. They will drop a spawn egg, so, that's pretty neat. Have fun gathering the required amount of netherite! (The purple block is crying obsidian.) Look up to fly up, down to fly down. Just like the balloon. Just not as pretty.Addon: Transport - modsgamer.com 


Passenger Plane

Take up to two of your friends on a fun plane ride! If you fly too slowly, you'll drop from the sky!Addon: Transport - modsgamer.com 


Open Cockpit Plane

Very cool! Again, you need to maintain speed or you'll stall and fall.Addon: Transport - modsgamer.com 


Single-Seat plane

Like the above, but for people who don't want their hair all mussed.Addon: Transport - modsgamer.com 


Death Trap

What it lacks in safety it more than makes up for in cheapness and fun, fun, fun. If you're watching and not participating.Addon: Transport - modsgamer.com 

Don't look down Steve!


You want one of these! Who wouldn't?!

Addon: Transport - modsgamer.com 



Who doesn't love blimps! Now you can have your own, and they don't even explode (I feel we've missed an opportunity here.....). Four seater!Addon: Transport - modsgamer.com 

  • Added the 2023 (turbo boost model) dirtbike

  • Fixed a bug with the horse and cart resources

How to use mod

 - Install Behavior and Resource Pack

 - Activate experimental game feature


All mods on modsgamer.com comes from user contributions and Internet, if you think there is any infringement, please let us know at [email protected], thank you!

Download 4544488

How to Use

1. Open modsgamer.com 

2. Select the mod you want and download 

3. After download finished, you will get mod file want

4. After extracting the mod file, please place the corresponding file in the following folder

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