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Terrain Builder Mod

date date Sat Nov 04 18:06:58 CST 2023"
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Terrain Builder Mod
modsgamer Minecraft mods
Sat Nov 04 18:06:58 CST 2023
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Addon: Terrain Builder - modsgamer.com

Minecraft Terrain Builder module: allows you to easily create natural and beautiful terrain

This Minecraft mod adds powerful yet easy-to-understand tools to the game, allowing you to easily create naturally beautiful terrains, no scripts or equipment required!

This mod is compatible with consoles, mobile devices, and Windows 10, allowing you to use it on any device.

Using this mod, you can create a wide variety of terrains, including:

Dense forest

vast desert

majestic mountains

deep ocean

mysterious cave

This mod will make your Minecraft world more colorful.

Mod details

 How to start the Add-On

  This add-on requires Holiday Creator Features to be enabled in order to function properly, otherwise the pack will fail to load the data driven items and blocks.

Addon: Terrain Builder - modsgamer.com 

  In order to start, you need to run the command " /function start " or, " /function setup ".

Addon: Terrain Builder - modsgamer.com 

 After running the command, you'll receive a message in chat telling you the current add-on version.

Addon: Terrain Builder - modsgamer.com

How to use the Add-On

 In your hot bar, you'll find all the essential tools such as "Brush Tool", "Paint Tool", "Eraser Tool and both of Builder and Painter kit, as shown in this image below.

Addon: Terrain Builder - modsgamer.com

Tools Help

  - Brush Tool : Brush tool is the tool you use to build and spawn structures, it only requires an active Builder Kit to work.

Addon: Terrain Builder - modsgamer.com 

Addon: Terrain Builder - modsgamer.com 

  - Paint Tool : Paint tool is a tool you use to paint your structures with built-in pallette, which can be accessed from the Painter Kit, this tool requires both of Builder Kit and Painter Kit to be active in order to work.

Addon: Terrain Builder - modsgamer.com


Addon: Terrain Builder - modsgamer.com

Addon: Terrain Builder - modsgamer.com


 - Eraser Tool : This is the tool to erase unwanted blocks and structures and it needs an active Builder Kit.

Addon: Terrain Builder - modsgamer.com


Addon: Terrain Builder - modsgamer.com 

- Help Me Tool : Links the discord help server in your action bar section.

Addon: Terrain Builder - modsgamer.com

Kits Help

  - Exit Hotbar Tool : In case you opened a kit by mistake, you can go back to the home hot bar by using this tool, by the way, the other red looking square tool is called " Exit Mode " which will close the whole mode, so make sure to use the right one.

Addon: Terrain Builder - modsgamer.com

- Exit Mode Tool : Once you think you have finished working, you can exit by either using Exit Mode tool or by doing " /function exit ".

Addon: Terrain Builder - modsgamer.com

- Builder Kit : This kit has all the essential non-painting tools, such as structure shapes, sizes and texture templates.

Addon: Terrain Builder - modsgamer.com

 You can access the Builder Kit by right-clicking or by either running " /function builderkit " or " /function script_builderkit ", after doing that, you will have a hot bar that looks something like this.

Addon: Terrain Builder - modsgamer.com

 In this section, you can decide which shape do you want your structure to be, currently you can only pick one from three shapes, Cube (Cube shaped), Sphere (Sphere Shaped) and Cylinder (Cylinder Shaped).

Addon: Terrain Builder - modsgamer.com

 After picking a shape, you'll be automatically taken to the next section which is Size Section, in case something went wrong and it didn't load the size hot bar successfully, do " /function inv_size ".

Addon: Terrain Builder - modsgamer.com

In this hot bar, you will decide on how big the structure will be. The color of the numbers may change from a version to an other (In beta versions, the numbers are usually blue unlike in Alpha/Official versions) but they all serve the same purpose.

Addon: Terrain Builder - modsgamer.com

 Then, you will be taken to an other hot bar called Template Section, here you will decide on how textured the structures will be, if " Untextured " was chosen, when you use the Paint Tool, the structure will only have 1 color/block unlike in " Well Textured ", it would have from 3 to 4 colors/blocks according to the pallette you are using.

Addon: Terrain Builder - modsgamer.com

Currently, the add-on only supports three templates, Untextured (1 color), Textured (3 colors) and Well Textured (4 colors).

Addon: Terrain Builder - modsgamer.com

After selecting the template, you will be taken back to Home hot bar and you will be able to use the Paint Tool.

- Painter Kit : All the painting pallettes can be only found here, you can access the kit by doing            " /function painterkit " aswell.

Addon: Terrain Builder - modsgamer.com

 After opening the kit, you will guided to the main pallette hot bar, here you can navigate through pallette categories, as shown in the picture below.

Addon: Terrain Builder - modsgamer.com

 Every category has 4 different pallettes that share the same theme, as an example, Paths Pallette category has 4 pallettes that all have brown items such as Dirt, Brown Wool, Spruce Planks etc..


Addon: Terrain Builder - modsgamer.com

 Once you select a pallette, you will be taken back to home hot bar, if you have both of Builder Kit and Painter Kit activated, you will be able to use the Paint Tool without any problems.

Settings Tool

Addon: Terrain Builder - modsgamer.com

 - Increase Crosshair Depth / Decrease Crosshair Depth : Increases/decreases your crosshair depth, valuable values are [-4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4], any other value will be changed back to the closest valid value.

Addon: Terrain Builder - modsgamer.com

Addon: Terrain Builder - modsgamer.com 

 - Disable Structure Rotation / Enable Structure Rotation : Enables/disables the random structure rotations, this feature stops identical patterns from appearing.

Addon: Terrain Builder - modsgamer.com

Disable Feedback / Enable Feedback : Disables/enables feedback, this feature is made to our add-on developer to detect any background errors, enabling/disabling it won't effect your experience. (This feature may be removed in the future updates)

Addon: Terrain Builder - modsgamer.com


Common Issues

Issues : Nothing Happens when I run " /function start " or " /function setup " 

 - Solutions : Make sure you have Holiday Creator Features Enabled.

 - Solutions : Change your game language to English US.

 - Solutions : If you have an expansion installed in your world BP, disable it as it may be outdated.


Issues : It doesn't use this certain pallette.

 - Solutions : Exit and rejoin builder mode then try again.

 - Solutions : Make sure you are the only player in Builder Mode.


Issues : I can't join Builder Mode.

 - Solutions : You need to be opped to run functions.

 - Solutions : If there is a player in Builder Mode, it's likely the reason why you can't join.

How to use mod

 - Install Behavior and Resource Pack

 - Activate experimental game featur

All mods on modsgamer.com comes from user contributions and Internet, if you think there is any infringement, please let us know at [email protected], thank you!

Download 101137

How to Use

1. Open modsgamer.com 

2. Select the mod you want and download 

3. After download finished, you will get mod file want

4. After extracting the mod file, please place the corresponding file in the following folder

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