Home > Games > Minecraft > JS' Mobs Mod[edieval creatures, female versions of the original mobs, NPCs and new "animals"]

JS' Mobs Mod[edieval creatures, female versions of the original mobs, NPCs and new "animals"]

date date Thu Nov 09 18:23:23 CST 2023"
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JS' Mobs Mod[edieval creatures, female versions of the original mobs, NPCs and new "animals"]
modsgamer Minecraft mods
Thu Nov 09 18:23:23 CST 2023
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JS' Mobs - modsgamer.com

Minecraft JS' Mobs add-on: Make your Minecraft world more medieval

JS' Mobs is a Minecraft mod that adds various medieval creatures, female versions of primitive creatures, NPCs, and new "animals".

JS' Mobs is a mod for all Minecraft players. If you want to make your Minecraft world more medieval, this mod is not to be missed!

Mod details

I'll introduce the Mobs now, most have between 20 to 60 HP, and the loot are vanilla items that can help if you make an RPG-style Addon-pack!

  • level 1 monsters (20 - 30 HP)

  • level 2 monsters (30 - 60 HP)

  • boss monsters (80 - 100 HP)

  • pets (50-100 HP)

  • NPCs (30 HP)

JS' Mobs - modsgamer.com

JS' Mobs - modsgamer.com

JS' Mobs - modsgamer.com

JS' Mobs - modsgamer.com

JS' Mobs - modsgamer.com

JS' Mobs - modsgamer.com

JS' Mobs - modsgamer.com

JS' Mobs - modsgamer.com

JS' Mobs - modsgamer.com

JS' Mobs - modsgamer.com

JS' Mobs - modsgamer.com

JS' Mobs - modsgamer.com

JS' Mobs - modsgamer.com

JS' Mobs - modsgamer.com

JS' Mobs - modsgamer.com

JS' Mobs - modsgamer.com

JS' Mobs - modsgamer.com

JS' Mobs - modsgamer.com

JS' Mobs - modsgamer.com

JS' Mobs - modsgamer.com


JS' Mobs - modsgamer.com

JS' Mobs - modsgamer.com

JS' Mobs - modsgamer.com

JS' Mobs - modsgamer.com

JS' Mobs - modsgamer.com

JS' Mobs - modsgamer.com

JS' Mobs - modsgamer.com

JS' Mobs - modsgamer.com

JS' Mobs - modsgamer.com


  • New Mobs (spawns naturally)

  • New NPCs (spawned by players)

  • New Boss (spawned by players)

  • New items.

How to use mod

 - Install Behavior and Resource Pack

 - Activate experimental game feature 

All mods on modsgamer.com comes from user contributions and Internet, if you think there is any infringement, please let us know at [email protected], thank you!

Download 743370

How to Use

1. Open modsgamer.com 

2. Select the mod you want and download 

3. After download finished, you will get mod file want

4. After extracting the mod file, please place the corresponding file in the following folder

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