Beyond the Underground Mod
Minecraft Cave Exploration Add-on: Explore larger, more dangerous caves and harvest more precious resources
The Minecraft Spelunking add-on provides players with a richer spelunking experience. The newly added caves are larger and more complex, filled with deadly monsters and precious resources. Players can harvest more precious ores, gems, weapons and armor by exploring caves to improve their equipment and combat effectiveness.
Mod details
Luminous Caverns
These caves generate exclusively under Mushroom Islands
This is a peaceful cave with no natural hostile mobs spawning
The entire cave is slightly lit up with vegetation!
Vegetation & Foliage
Giant Luminous Mushrooms & Giant Gloomy Mushrooms generate in this cave
Normal-sized mushrooms generate on the surface
Radiant Vines grow from the ground
These plants all emit a small amount of light!
Luminous Mushroom Stew can be crafted with 1 Bowl, 1 Luminous Mushroom, and 1 Gloomy Mushroom
Replenishes 6 hunger points (3 hunger bars)
Gives you Night Vision for 15 seconds
Mysterious Stew can be crafted with 1 Bowl, 1 Luminous Mushroom, 1 Gloomy Mushroom, 1 Red Mushroom, 1 Brown Mushroom, and 1 Mysterious Fungus
Replenishes 3 hunger points (1.5 bars)
Gives you 1-2 random effects (selecting from all positive and negative effects)
Luminite is a blue gemstone that can be found in Luminous Caverns
Luminite Ore generates at Y levels -64 to 12
Drops 1-2 Luminite Shards when broken
Combine 6 Luminite Shards and 1 Diamond in a Crafting Table to get 1 Luminite
Luminite can be used to craft gear!
Luminite gear can burn in fire but is invulnerable to explosions
Because of how hard to get Luminite is, Luminite gear is slightly better than Netherite gear!
Shroom Elves spawns in Luminous Caverns
They can be bred using Luminous Mushrooms
They spawn in large groups of 4-8
They have 8 health (4 hearts) and die almost instantly from lava
They run away from the player but can be lured using Luminous Mushrooms
They drop 0-2 Luminous Mushrooms when killed
Luminous Mooshrooms spawns in Luminous Caverns
They can be bred using Wheat
Interact with them using:
A bucket to get milk
A bowl to get Luminous Mushroom Stew
Mysterious Fungus first, then a Bowl to get Mysterious Stew
Shears to get Luminous Mushrooms. This will turn them into normal cows
Slimy Sewers
These caves generate exclusively under Swamps
This is a very dangerous cave with thick green fog, limiting your render distance
Vegetation & Foliage
A layer of Slimy Stone replaces Stone on the surface, which slows you down
Slime Layers cover most of the floor
Slimy Blossoms and Slimy Sprouts scatter across the cave
Sticky Spikes generate on the surface and hurts you when you step on them
Slime drips from the ceiling
Slime Soup can be crafted with 1 Bowl and 2 Slimeballs
Replenishes 3 hunger points (1.5 bars)
Gives you Jump Boost II for 8 seconds and Resistance II for 5 seconds
Has a 45% chance to also give you Hunger I for 30 seconds and Nausea II for 20 seconds
Slimy Zombies spawn in the Slimy Sewers
They spawn in large hordes of 4 to 7
They have 20 health (10 hearts) like regular zombies
They throw Hardened Slimeballs at enemies which deal 7 damage (3.5 hearts) with no armor
They drop Rotten Flesh and Hardened Slimeballs when killed
Vanilla Minecraft Slimes & Witches also spawn more frequently here, in groups of 2 to 4
Slime Dungeons generate under Swamps between Y=-59 and 47.
There are 2 variants: Stone & Deepslate, for their respective Y levels
There are 3 spawners, 1 with Slimes, and 2 with Slimy Zombies
There is a treasure chest in the middle with valuable loot, including the Slime Dagger (exclusively found here!)
Slime Daggers deal 6 seconds of Poison II to any mob attacked using this weapon
Here is everything new you can get from the Slimy Sewers.
Slime Dungeons are built using Slimy Stone Bricks, Slimy Deepslate Bricks, and Slimy Deepslate Tiles. You can craft them using Slimy Stone and Slimy Deepslate!
Slime Lanterns can be crafted using 1 Glowstone and 4 Hardened Slimeballs!
Limestone Caves
These caves generate exclusively under Deserts
This is a very dusty cave with thick yellow fog
Vegetation & Foliage
All stone in this cave is replaced with Limestone, Cobbled Limestone, Calcite, and Sandstone
Patches of Quicksand occasionally generate
Limestone Pebbles, Cobbled Limestone Pebbles, and Sand Layers can be found on the floor
Sandy Roots hang from the ceiling
Scorpions spawn in the Limestone Caves
They spawn in swarms of 2 to 4
They have 16 health (8 hearts)
They inflict 10 seconds of Poison every attack
They drop Raw Scorpion items on death (or Cooked Scorpion items if died in fire or lava)
Vanilla Minecraft Husks also spawn more frequently here, in hordes of 2 to 4
Raw Scorpion items drop from Scorpions on death
Replenishes 1 hunger point (0.5 bars)
Gives you Fatal Poison II for 10 seconds, Nausea III for 8 seconds, and Hunger III for 10 seconds
Raw Scorpion items can be smelted in a Furnace or Smoker to make a Cooked Scorpion
Replenishes 5 hunger points (2.5 bars)
Raw Scorpion items can be used to brew Fatal Poison potions.
Limestone Dungeons generate under Deserts between Y=6 and 47.
There are 4 spawners, 2 with Scorpions, and 2 with Husks
There is a treasure chest in the middle with valuable loot, including diamonds, golden apples, and/or enchanted apples
Limestone Ruins can be found in Limestone Caves between Y=6 and 47.
All ruins have a chest, which contains useful items.
There are 6 variants in total. See if you can find them all!
Limestone Dungeons & Limestone Ruins are built using Limestone Bricks. You can craft them using Limestone, and there are many other variants as well!
Ice Caves
These caves generate exclusively under frozen biomes
Ice can be found everywhere, including dripping icicles and ice crystals
Vegetation & Foliage
Ice Crystals, Frosted Stone and Frosted Deepslate replaces most stone on the cave surface
Crystallized Ice and Blue Ice make up the cave ceiling
Pebbles can be found on the floor
Icicles drip from the ceiling
Penguins spawn in the Ice Caves and on the surface of frozen biomes
They spawn in groups of 3 to 5 on the surface and 2 to 4 underground
They have 10 health (5 hearts)
They cannot be tamed but can be lured and bred using Raw Cod and Raw Salmon
Vanilla Minecraft Strays also spawn more frequently here, in armies of 2 to 4
Ice Crystal items can be used to brew Freezing potions, which gives you Slowness and Mining Fatigue.
Lost Explorer Camps generate under frozen biomes (in ice caves) between Y=-30 and 20.
Lost Explorers trade you materials from the surface for things found underground
Because of a Minecraft bug, Lost Explorers do not spawn along with the structure. To spawn the Lost Explorer, interact with the Suitcase when holding an Emerald.
Other Blocks

Packed Ice Bricks can be crafted using Packed Ice. There is also Chiseled Packed Ice with a snowflake pattern!
Pebbles naturally generate here, except for Limestone variants. To craft more pebbles, simply put the respective block into a Stonecutter!
Known Issues
The thick green fog from the Slimy Sewers, the yellow fog from the Limestone Caves and the blue fog from the Luminous Caverns & Ice Caves also appear on the surface.
Efficiency can be applied to Luminite tools but there will be no effect. This is a Minecraft bug.
Due to technical limitations, Radiant Vines, Dripping Slime, Sandy Roots and Dripping Icicles will not break when a supporting block is broken.
Blocks with a custom model (e.g. Radiant Vines & Dripping Icicles) do not get destroyed by water or lava and are not able to be waterlogged.
Pick Block does not work on blocks with a custom model. Get them from the inventory instead.
Some errors may show up when generating a world. These errors do not affect gameplay in any way and can be safely ignored. To turn off the error log, go to Settings > Creator > turn off “Enable Content Log GUI”.
World generation may take a bit longer when this add-on is activated.
How to use mod
- Install Behavior and Resource Pack
- Activate experimental game featur
All mods on comes from user contributions and Internet, if you think there is any infringement, please let us know at [email protected], thank you!
How to Use
2. Select the mod you want and download
3. After download finished, you will get mod file want
4. After extracting the mod file, please place the corresponding file in the following folder