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Addon: Cinematick Add-On

date date Mon Dec 11 16:46:43 CST 2023"
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Addon: Cinematick Add-On
modsgamer Minecraft mods
Mon Dec 11 16:46:43 CST 2023
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Addon: Cinematick Add-On - modsgamer.com

Create, and film your cinematic, dynamic, and smooth trailer in less than five minutes, using powerful, simplified, and easy to understand tools without needing experimental features, and high device requirements.

Created By Argent


How to start the Add-On

In order to start, you need to run the command " /function start " or, " /function ctk_start ".

Addon: Cinematick Add-On - modsgamer.com 

After running the command, you'll receive your tools in your hot bar.

Addon: Cinematick Add-On - modsgamer.com 

How to use the Add-On

 In your hot bar, you'll find all of the essential tools such as "Start Cinematic Trailer", "Create Cinematic Marker", "Create Focus Marker" and movement speed manager, as shown in this image below.

Addon: Cinematick Add-On - modsgamer.com 

Tools Help

- Create Cinematic Trailer : To begin your cinematic trailer, use this tool, you also need to have at least two cinematic markers and a focus marker. 

Addon: Cinematick Add-On - modsgamer.com 

- End Cinematic Trailer : Use this to cancel / end cinematic trailer, this will not clear your cinematic and focus markers.

Addon: Cinematick Add-On - modsgamer.com 

- Create Cinematic Marker : This will create a cinematic marker which will be used as a locator when spectating, currently you can only have 10 markers at once.

Addon: Cinematick Add-On - modsgamer.com 

- Create Focus Marker : You can have as many as you want, your camera will focus on the closest focus marker, however the transition is not the smoothest.

Addon: Cinematick Add-On - modsgamer.com 

- Exit : In order to exit cinema mode, you can either use this tool, or run " /function ck_exit ".

Addon: Cinematick Add-On - modsgamer.com 

Common Issues:

Issues : Nothing Happens when I run " /function start ".

- Solutions : Change your game language to English US.

- Solutions : Try using " /function ctk_start " instead.


Issues : I can't join Cinematic Mode.

- Solutions : Make sure there are no one else using the add-on in your world.

Download cinematick-add-on.mcaddon (.mcaddon)

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How to Use

1. Open modsgamer.com 

2. Select the mod you want and download 

3. After download finished, you will get mod file want

4. After extracting the mod file, please place the corresponding file in the following folder

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